

Do not forget from whom you were born. The greatness of all that IS lives inside you and from it, you are an extension.


The plans you have are not the plans of GOD. Throw them out. Watch for HER omens, SHE will show you the way.


Do not let the troubles of life bring stress upon you. These troubles are trivial and will soon pass.


You are WORTHY. Worthy of unconditional wild love. Worthy of life. Worthy of success. Worthy of happiness.


You are the (God)dess of LIFE.


Your happiness depends solely on you and God.


You are light.


Anything that you wish to accomplish; speak it, dream it, and take the irrevocable step to accomplish it. The Universe will work WITH you to MAKE IT HAPPEN.


Be as the tree; grounded, rooted, and stable. Strong through the storm, yet, ever reaching towards the sky. Seeking knowledge and understanding of yourself and the world around you.


The world is yours for the taking.


With Love,

